Media Partners
General Media Partner
Media Partners

Industry Media Partners
Industrial Weekly has been in circulation since 2002 and has become a cross-industry platform for Russian industrialists and government representatives. It is circulated throughout Russia. The aim of the publication is to present most promising projects in the Russian industrial and energy sector for national and international markets. Readers can sign up for an online subscription by contacting
International magazine "Business Russia: industry, transport, social life" covers a broad range of economic issues. It is an information platform for active and successful participants of the market. Among our readers are founders and managers of Russian companies and enterprises, heads of power structures. Magazine is published with circulation of 20 000 copies distributed directly by mail and represented at specialized exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
Media «Business of Russia» is a unique online platform that unites all the most important, relevant and useful information on the functioning of key sectors of the Russian economy, effective business management strategies , investment projects. The focus of the website – oil and gas, power and industrial complex. The readers – entrepreneurs, investors, managers – all those who not only wants to receive timely accurate information about the business, but he creates a new economic reality.
Gazeta.Ru is the oldest online sociopolitical media outlet in the Russian internet space, founded in September 1999. It has a monthly audience of 40.6 million unique users. The publication occupies a leading media position in terms of audience engagement on social networks (1,884,000 Twitter followers, 615,000 Facebook likes, 147,000 VK subscribers). Gazeta.Ru is one of the five leaders in terms of citation among online media according to Medialogia. Gazeta.Ru uses all contemporary media formats including news, articles, interviews and author columns. As well as text-based articles, news stories are also presented as video clip reels and podcasts. is one of the most influential and cited internet media outlets in Russia. Established in September 1999, has consistently held a leading position in terms of audience numbers, with over 66 million visitors per month (more than 600 million views). Every day, presents news and materials in various formats on a wide range of topics: from economics and science to cinema and memes. The total number of subscribers of communities on social networks such as Facebook, VK, Twitter and Odnoklassniki as well as Telegram and TikTok exceeds 3 million people and is constantly growing.
The Secret of the Firm is a publication covering economics, finance and high technologies that promote business development in Russia and around the world. The magazine was founded in 2001 and has 3 million monthly readers.
The magazine Social Security in Russia covers all relevant aspects in the field of social security of the population, federal policy issues in the field of social security, informs about federal programmes and innovative projects implemented in the regions and is a media platform for socially oriented non-profit organizations. Quarterly volume of 200–250 pages.
Print run 10,000.
Distributed at the federal, district, regional and municipal levels.
ELECTRIC POWER: Transmission and Distribution is a magazine for power grid specialists. It is published with the support of Rosseti. The magazine is read by engineers and heads of major power companies, industry research institutes and Russian supervisory authorities. It is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Science Citation Index bibliography database.
The magazine provides its customers with a full range of information services, including:
- Publication of news and analytical articles in the magazine;
- Prompt dispatch of email newsletters;
- Organization of exhibitions and business events attended by leading experts;
- Publication of specialist literature.