Media Partners
General Media Partner
Media Partners
Gazeta.Ru is the oldest online sociopolitical media outlet in the Russian internet space, founded in September 1999. It has a monthly audience of 40.6 million unique users. The publication occupies a leading media position in terms of audience engagement on social networks (1,884,000 Twitter followers, 615,000 Facebook likes, 147,000 VK subscribers). Gazeta.Ru is one of the five leaders in terms of citation among online media according to Medialogia. Gazeta.Ru uses all contemporary media formats including news, articles, interviews and author columns. As well as text-based articles, news stories are also presented as video clip reels and podcasts. is one of the most influential and cited internet media outlets in Russia. Established in September 1999, has consistently held a leading position in terms of audience numbers, with over 66 million visitors per month (more than 600 million views). Every day, presents news and materials in various formats on a wide range of topics: from economics and science to cinema and memes. The total number of subscribers of communities on social networks such as Facebook, VK, Twitter and Odnoklassniki as well as Telegram and TikTok exceeds 3 million people and is constantly growing.
The Secret of the Firm is a publication covering economics, finance and high technologies that promote business development in Russia and around the world. The magazine was founded in 2001 and has 3 million monthly readers.
“EXPERT” is an exclusive business weekly that takes a profound and professional look at economics, business, social and political processes. Over the years, “EXPERT” has become not just a journal but a business partner to thousands of business owners, top and other executives, and managers at various levels all over the country. “EXPERT” is a desk edition for decision-makers. It is not limited to facts and figures, but gives readers extensive, reliable information on trends, analysis, forecasts and ratings, describes the state of industries and publishes interviews with key business figures. The journal takes an open and independent position, leads an active social life, boosting its reputation by the year.
Industry Media Partners
Occupational Safety in Industry is a monthly science and industry journal. The editorial board consists of heads of the Rostekhnadzor central office and prominent figures in science and technology.
The editorial board consists of heads of departments and key employees at the Rostekhnadzor central office and its regional offices, prominent figures in science and technology, and heads and key employees at the Industrial Safety science and technology centre.
The journal’s readership includes science professionals, heads and specialists at enterprises and organizations from across various industry sectors, and oversight bodies.
The journal publishes scientific articles and information resources on industrial safety across various sectors of industry (mining, metallurgy, oil and gas, chemicals, energy, construction, etc.), guidance and legal documents, orders and recommendations from Rostekhnadzor, interviews and reports on current issues in science and industry, and science and technology news.
Occupational Safety in Industry provides media and promotional support to international exhibitions, forums, conferences and conventions.
The journal is featured in a list of leading peer-reviewed science journals and publications where significant scientific research emerging from dissertations in postgraduate and doctoral degrees may be published, according to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The journal is also included in the Russian Science Citation Index (two-year RSCI impact factor without self-citation – 0.368; five-year RSCI impact factor without self-citation – 0.257; ten-year Hirsch index – 22), as well as the Scopus and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) international reference databases, and the databases of EBSCO Information Services and Ulrich’s Periodicals Dictionary.
As of 2017, all scientific articles published in the journal are assigned a DOI index (found at the beginning of the article after the list of keywords). The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a system for identifying scientific content online, and assigning a DOI is an integral part of international science communication today. The DOI prefix for the Occupational Safety in Industry journal is 10.24000.
Industrial Weekly has been in circulation since 2002 and has become a cross-industry platform for Russian industrialists and government representatives. It is circulated throughout Russia. The aim of the publication is to present most promising projects in the Russian industrial and energy sector for national and international markets. Readers can sign up for an online subscription by contacting
“Security Director” is a monthly business magazine dedicated to practical corporate security issues, including economic, technical, physical and personnel security. The magazine is published in electronic and printed format. Our website:
“Company Security” is an electronic format magazine recommending how to reduce business losses, preserve assets and increase profits using simple and effective integrated security tools. The magazine is intended for owners and CEOs responsible for overall company management. Our website:
The publishing group is part of the Action holding.
We help labor protection specialists find the answer to any professional question, prevent accidents, avoid fines and claims by inspection bodies. Action Labor Protection has everything an occupational safety specialist needs in their work:
REFERENCE SYSTEM. Proven solutions with ready-made document templates from experts, specialists from the Ministry of Labor, Rostrud, GIT and the Russian Emergency Ministry.
JOURNALS. Monthly articles explaining changes to the legislation and aspects of organizing work relating to labor protection, accidents and occupational diseases, medical examinations, training, PPE and workplace certification.
CORPORATE UNIVERSITY. Distance learning in all compulsory programmes, with official documents. Controlling deadlines and checking employee knowledge with the results on a single screen.
INFORMATION PORTAL. Verified health and safety information in the public domain.
ALL-RUSSIA OLYMPIAD. Competition between labor protection specialists to be called "Best in Russia".
It is distributed throughout the Russian Federation and the Customs Union.
The newspaper covers the current state and future outlook of the Russian power industry, as well as the oil and gas, chemicals and mining industries, machine and equipment engineering, and metallurgy in the power industry. It features news articles and analysis, exclusive interviews, and information on new technologies.
The newspaper’s Expert Council is composed of industry executives and specialists across various fields, from government agencies to research and project offices.
The newspaper provides free and open access to daily news, up-to-date company press releases, a directory of companies and specialist websites, a newspaper archive, a library of industry regulations, information about industry events and tenders, a bookstore, a noticeboard and a forum.
The magazine Social Security in Russia covers all relevant aspects in the field of social security of the population, federal policy issues in the field of social security, informs about federal programmes and innovative projects implemented in the regions and is a media platform for socially oriented non-profit organizations. Quarterly volume of 200–250 pages.
Print run 10,000.
Distributed at the federal, district, regional and municipal levels.
ELECTRIC POWER: Transmission and Distribution is a magazine for power grid specialists. It is published with the support of Rosseti. The magazine is read by engineers and heads of major power companies, industry research institutes and Russian supervisory authorities. It is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Science Citation Index bibliography database.
The magazine provides its customers with a full range of information services, including:
- Publication of news and analytical articles in the magazine;
- Prompt dispatch of email newsletters;
- Organization of exhibitions and business events attended by leading experts;
- Publication of specialist literature.
The business journal Vademecum addresses healthcare professionals and anyone interested in the market with total sales over RUB 4 trn. Total circulation of the printed journal Vademecum – 12,000. Annual audience of Vademecum ( – 3.2 m unique visitors, 8 m views.
The MEDIAPRO professional periodical publishing house and its publication “Labour Protection and Fire Safety” provide clients with information that is essential and applicable in practice.
Expert on specialized topics
Our publishing house focuses on highly specialized topics. For over five years, we have been studying all the most complex practical aspects of labour protection, fire and industrial safety. What we publish cannot be found on the Internet, other than links to laws and regulations.
For many years, we have been read and respected by:
- heads of labour protection and industrial safety services;
- labour protection specialists;
- leaders responsible for fire safety;
- chief doctors of hospitals and clinics;
- heads of personnel services.
Taking maximum account of readers' requests for material in a convenient format, we prepare and provide:
- materials in electronic format and hard copy;
- documents in Word format so reader can download them and use them in their work;
- convenient PDF format when you need to make a thematic selection for yourself;
- individual "question-and-answer" via the feedback form on the website.
Since 1913, the magazine has actively introduced readers to the most critical occupational health and safety and social security issues.
This shows that the information published in the magazine is essential for a wide range of managers and those in the occupational health sphere, as well as other related safety specialists.
The magazine has received many awards for its publications in the field of occupational health and safety, including awards from the Russian President, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and other federal agencies.
The conditions of market relations, as well as the legal, social and financial protection of employees, demand not only the solution of private questions and the updating of local statutory acts, but also a more comprehensive intellectual approach in the sphere of occupational health and safety of employees.
Knowledge of new trends, the true causes of problems and, most importantly, ways to successfully overcome these problems is needed. These issues are constantly being discussed in the magazine.
Answers to these and many other questions can always be found on the pages of the oldest specialist magazine in the area of insurance and occupational health and safety.
The specificity of the magazine lies in the fact that its authors are authoritative experts with a profound and comprehensive knowledge of the subtleties of management and how to create healthy and safe working conditions in businesses.
The function of the magazine is to help employers and occupational safety specialists create safe working conditions for employees and prevent injuries and health hazards at work in the most correct and competent manner.
The editorial board is the publisher of two professional journals, State Social Insurance Bulletin and Social World, which provide fast and detailed coverage of all developments in state social policy. The journals are a prominent platform for the views of social specialists and decision-makers. They provide information on labour protection, pensions, social support for families with children, citizens of privileged categories, and the dynamics of the development of state social insurance, with coverage from history to the present day, international and regional experience, and expert advice on the payment of benefits under compulsory social insurance.
Social World has been in publication since 2002, 4 times a month. For more details see
The State Social Insurance Bulletin has been in publication since 2000, once a month. For details see
Tel/fax: +7 (495) 687 4692. E-mail:

Professional magazine for entrepreneurs, managers, and employees of organizations in charge of ensuring the safe provision of services and products as well as compliance with occupational safety requirements.
The magazine ‘Sanitary and Epidemiological Control. Occupational Safety’ will help you navigate the constantly changing regulatory requirements. We analyse complex regulatory requirements in detail. +7 (495) 258 0815