Exhibitor information

ARMAKON® is a scientific research centre focusing on development of safe cleansing and protective skincare products. On the basis of our extensive scientific research, we offer unique and sophisticated skincare products to protect against aggressive effects of industrial factors on the skin, thereby keeping employees healthy and productive.

ARPort develops innovative training solutions for improving occupational safety. ARPort SafetyVR is a platform-based virtual reality solution for training in industrial skills and compliance with safety rules. It is not expensive as real training equipment is used to simulate the customer’s production processes and equipment, distractions and stressors during the training, developing a reflex skill of compliance with safety rules based on the data collected, forecasting on the basis the degree of injury, the need to adjust planned facilities, and additional training of personnel. The platform has implemented a package of labor protection training exercises (working with electricity, at height, actions in the event of fire, etc.)
Arkhar LLC

MedPoint24 is a leading provider of automated pre-shift medical inspection.
It provides a remote medical inspection service, produces and installs hardware and software suites (HSS) for completely automated pre-trip/post-trip and pre-shift/post-shift inspections.
Using our latest electronic health monitoring system, our team of medical officers performs continuous remote inspections of staff and issues pre-shift permits 24/7.
- Faster medical inspection procedure,
- Elimination of the human factor at all stages of the procedure,
- Cost optimization: up to 40% savings,
- Personnel health status monitoring in real time. Possibility of using inspection data for subsequent examination by a specialist,
- Optimization of all business processes related to the medical inspection system,
- Qualified equipment maintenance service (supply, verification, replacement, etc.),
- Increased level of personnel responsibility and discipline.
The key advantage of automated medical inspections during the pandemic is elimination of direct contact between medical officer and employee.
ООО «Компания Виртекс»

We present Master Lock lockout systems designed for safe neutralization of industrial machines and energy sources during maintenance work. Master Lock systems offer all the solutions needed for performing these procedures in any industry. We also offer a wide range of workwear and PPE, including Lemaitre Securite industrial protective footwear , safety glasses and gloves of our own brand Besure.

ESMO is a unique Russian development of the company KVAZAR LLC, providing for full automation of medical examinations and access control for employees to working area, depending on the state of health, completely excluding the human factor in the assessment results. ESMO is an equipment complex, including the required number of terminals for pre-shift examination, medical worker computer equipment, turnstiles and its own software, integrated into any database
KVAZAR LLC is a supplier and developer of integrated infrastructure solutions for enterprises, such as:
- Electronic medical examination systems,
- Access control systems,
- Enterprise information systems,
- The world's best practices in employee access to production facilities.
KAP ESMO significantly improves employee medical examinations. The system is fully automated and can perform mass medical examinations of employees in a matter of minutes. The proprietary software is easily integrated into any enterprise database (Oracle, 1C, SAP, etc.).
Since 2014, KVAZAR has been developing technologies for digitalization of industry, investing in human factor reliability technologies and developing an environment of industrial solutions for security and industrial safety. The key industries for the company are: mining, energy, road transport, metallurgy, oil and gas and the chemical industry. KVAZAR LLC provides ready-made industry solutions for admission of personnel to working areas, access control systems, automation of labor protection and industrial safety processes.
ООО «МедРескью»
Professional Resuscitation Equipment for Rescue in Emergencies and means for First Aid Training in 122 countries all over the world. They are recommended by the RF Ministry of Public Health for: MChS Search and Rescuer personnel, Gas Rescuers, firemen, energy & oil industry, air carriers, labor protection, departments of any enterprise, disaster medicine centres, ambulance services, intensive care, resuscitation, anaesthesiology, the Army and Navy, the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, traffic police, hospitals, maternity homes, medical colleges and universities, the RF Ministry of Transport, RF Ministry of Railways, etc.
The Ambu® Man W External Heart Massage and Breathing System is a manikin for CPR training for all search and rescuer personnel of the Russian Federation.
NPK Pozhkhimzashchita LLC

NPK Pozhkhimzashchita LLC is a small, innovative enterprise, member of the Moscow Innovation Cluster.
During the 12 years since its inception, NPK Pozhkhimzashchita LLC has developed and introduced into serial production more than 40 new types of innovative and complementary products, most without analogues in the country. New developments are protected by 12 patents.
At the end of 2019, as part of the Golden Mercury national business award, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry recognized OOO NPK Pozhkhimzashchita as the winner in the category “Best Small Enterprise in the Field of Industrial Production”.
The company's strategy is to enter new markets in 2021:
- performance is under way of a major export contract for supplying “Chance” brand protective and rescue equipment to the Republic of Vietnam;
- expansion has been launched onto the labor protection market; for this purpose, a line of long-term use respiratory products have been developed and are being readied for serial production, as well as protective overalls with unique protective and ergonomic properties.

PRIMATERRA is a production and research and development group of companies specialized in developing and manufacturing personal skincare protection products. The company focuses on finding appropriate solutions for protecting the skin against aggressive production factors under any climate conditions.
PromMash Test
PromMash Test is an expert organization including a certification body, testing laboratories and engineering departments.
The company’s core activity is certification and testing, expert examination of industrial safety, labour protection, non-state expert examination and other areas of permission documentation relevant to enterprises in any industry.
Regional Centre for Preventive Medicine LLC

Periodical on-site medical examinations. Mobile medical wagons and teams of 12 doctors with airmobile equipment.
All tests are performed using a mobile laboratory.
Service support – 1 year.
A conclusion by an professional pathologist and an extract from the medical records including all the tests are issued on the day of the medical examination!
Properly executed documents will protect you during inspections and the register of those who undergo the medical examination will allow you to receive Social Insurance Fund compensation.
АО НПП «Системные технологии»

Development and implementation of management systems that help reduce injuries, accidents due to a sudden deterioration in health, sickness and labor losses. Our solutions:
ASPO (automated system of pre-shift medical examinations);
Shturman (a system for online monitoring of the functional state of a driver or operator).
The company is recognized as an expert in human factor risk management, has several Russian and international awards, including the Russian Federation Government Prize in the field of science and technology.

NIKO PRO LLC specializes in introducing LOCKOUT TAGOUT industrial safety systems at Russian manufacturing facilities.
The Company provides the following services:
- development of terms and standards;
- development of loto-instructions, loto-cards and control energy station standards;
- equipment supply;
- after-sales services;
- training courses;
- audit, productivity monitoring.
In 2021, the Company launched its own production of loto-system equipment. Our team is actively involved in import substitution. Short delivery periods and low costs constitute major advantages of our company. NIKO PRO LLC cooperates with all manufacturing sectors, including the oil and gas, metallurgy, food, and chemical industries, etc. All our clients are pleased with the cooperation with our Company and leave positive feedback. When the loto-system is introduced, the Total Incidents Rate is equal to zero.
Автономная некоммерческая организация дополнительного профессионального образования «Центр профессионального образования „Аландр”»

We are a multidisciplinary organization engaged in personnel fall protection training, work at height risk assessment, development of technical solutions to ensure the safety of workers working at height, supply and periodical inspections of fall protection PPE.
We also conduct confined space training as per the Rules for labour safety in confined spaces, approved by order No. 902n of the Russian Ministry of Labour dated 15 December 2020.
Since 2001, we have been providing a full range of services for recruitment and training of technical personnel and provision of our own and imported personal protection equipment.
- Audit. Risk assessment;
- Development of regulatory documents;
- Recruitment of personnel meeting the requisite criteria;
- Personnel training in construction specialties, Fall protection Training, Rope Access training, Confined space training, Fire awareness training;
- Design and installation of stationary anchor systems;
- Design and installation of stationary and mobile training grounds;
- Consulting.

Ansell is a world leader in providing superior health and safety protection solutions that enhance human well-being. The world’s need for better protection is growing by the year so Ansell constantly researches, develops and invests in manufacture and distributes cutting edge product innovation and technology marketed under well-known brands that customers trust.
Operating in two main business segments, Industrial and Healthcare, Ansell is a market leader that is growing more and more, employing 13,000 people worldwide. Ansell has operations in North America, Latin America / Caribbean, EMEA and Asia Pacific, and has earned the trust of customers in more than 100 countries in its protection solutions.
On 23 June 2021, the first Ansell plant in Russia was launched.
Information on Ansell and its products can be found at: ansell.com. #AnsellProtects
PJSC Arnest Company

Phone: +7 (495) 644-27-67/66
E-mail: info@arnestcom.ru
About the company:
Arnest Company supplies new generation products for personal skincare.
The company combines professional brands for health protection against harsh production factors.
NORMAN – basic complex for hand skincare, cleansing and restoration.
UNITPRO – premium complex to prevent occupational skin diseases.
MOSQUITALL (brand No. 1 on the Russian market for repellents and insecticides against flying insects) – professional series for protection against insects.
SEPTIMA (product of the year 2020) – innovative multifunctional product for disinfection of hands, surfaces and rooms.
TWIST – special care for shoes of professional workers.
Arnest Company has been producing and distributing household chemicals and perfumery/cosmetics for 16 years. The company owns about 40 brands (among them market leaders and brands with a 50-year history). Arnest Company’s distributes to 50,000 cities in 16 countries.
Visitech is an IT company, an expert in digital transformation and deep automation of business processes in the field of labour and occupational safety, sustainable development and improving the operational efficiency of enterprises and industries around the world. It is of particular importance that we have been working in the field of Pandemic Response Management for almost two years and can offer an excellent software solution – the Anti-Pandemic product.
The Anti-Pandemic product consists of several modules:
- Monitoring personnel and contractors;
- Geolocation and geopositioning of personnel and equipment;
- Smart video analytics;
- Automation of EHS management business processes.
Our software, hardware and software systems have shown excellent results at facilities of the following companies: Glencore International AG, Arcelor Mittal, T+ Group, PJSC Gazprom Neft, PJSC Rosneft, Uralchem Holding PLC, Kazzinc and dozens of other international industrial companies.
Vostok-Service Group

The Vostok-Service Group, founded in 1992, is a major PPE, protective workwear and safety footwear developer, manufacturer and supplier in Russia and Europe.
The Company does business in over 120 subsidiaries located in 56 regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The Vostok-Service retail network consists of 280 own brand stores in 170 cities with populations of 100,000.
Vostok-Service GC’s production base includes 15 garment and four shoe factories, and a PVC-coated glove factory.
Vostok-Service GC supplies conventional and special-purpose safety devices for enterprises in the energy sector, petroleum, gas, coal, chemical and petrochemical industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machinery and metal working, etc.
The product range includes 1,200 types of protective workwear, safety footwear and PPE.
Our service that is most in demand is outsourcing of PPE provision for employees in various industries.
Dialog is the developer of the Dialog Enterprise corporate messenger, a secure multi-platform product for organizing internal communications and effective collaboration. Corporate Messenger is part of the Sber ecosystem.
The Dialog team brings together specialists in developing communication platforms, experts in information security and artificial intelligence.
The main functions of Dialog Enterprise are personal and group chats, file sharing, audio and video communication, and HR organization channels. Thanks to chatbot and mini-application support, the product integrates perfectly into other information systems as well.
Integration into information security systems provides a high data protection standard, and into business applications – the ability to automate the functions of such key departments as HR, finance, marketing, technical support and services. For example, to optimize repair service processes in any industry, the product realizes the possibility of issuing work permits for any type of work in under four minutes.
Jet Infosystems
Jet Infosystems is a major Russian IT company without over 1,800 employees. Since 1991, it has been operating on the systems integration market, implementing complex and unique projects on a country-wide scale.
The company is in the top-10 biggest IT companies and the top-5 suppliers of IT services in Russia (according to Expert RA, 2020). It holds over 3,000 vendor and authorized training centre certificates.
Core business: design and introduction of computer complexes, network infrastructure, engineering systems and multimedia, custom software development, installation and support for software solutions and enterprise-level business applications, information security provision, IT outsourcing and technical maintenance.
The company has developed its own line of products and, moreover, Jet Infosystems has a virtual data-centre and Eastern Europe’s biggest Service Centre (founded in 1993.). Since the company’s inception 30 years ago, 1,000 enterprises have become its customers.
SMS-Information Technologies

SMS-Information Technologies supplies its own software and specializes in the following areas:
- Digitalization of labour safety. The product KOT.ERM KOT Electronic work place of a labour safety specialist is used in enterprises in a variety of industries: retail, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, beer brewing and elsewhere.
- Solutions for the unified electricity grids of Russia and other countries. The products (ASUERO, Orders, Repair plans, Readiness monitoring) have been introduced in operation and dispatch, grid and generating companies: SO EES, Georgian State Electricity System, Ukrenergo, Rosseti, RusHydro, Rosenergoatom, INTER RAO EES, OGK-2, Unipro, Enel OGK-5 and other enterprises. All repairs to the equipment making up the unified energy grid of Russia are planned and agreed using our software.
- Software for the energy sector and industry. The products (Infocont, Operational Log, Metrolog) serve for setting up information system for production and electronic operational logs, and for automating the activities of metrological services. They are used by T Plus, Gazpromenergo, Rushydro subsidiaries and a number of other undertakings.
SMS-Information Technologies has been developing its own products since 2003. It has analysis, development and resting subdivisions, as well as services for introduction and technical support for users. We can provide clients with a convenient boxed product or tailor the solution to the customer’s business processes, while our support specialists will help users from system launch and throughout its operating period.

Production association LEDOHODY (Moscow) has been a leading Russian manufacturer of slip resistant pads for boots since 2005. The company is a member of the Association of Designers, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Personal Protective Equipment PPE.
Our specialty is the manufacture of slip resistant аccessories with spikes – “ledohody” (of an intrinsically safe design), for safe work in the open air in winter.
LLC LEDOHODY is the only manufacturer in Russia of “ledohody” made from high-quality moulded rubber that is strong, elastic and frost-resistant. So, the products are of superior quality, reliability and durability.
All goods at the factory comply with ISO standards and special requirements of “Safety of personal protective equipment” CU TR 019/2011.
Nowadays, we turn out about 30 varieties of “ledohody”, which are purchased by big Russian and some foreign industrial companies.
Leningrad Region
The Leningrad Region is one of the leaders in the Northwestern Federal District in terms of economic development and one of Russia’s largest industrial centres.
The main aim of the state policy for improving working conditions and occupational safety in the Leningrad Region is to reduce occupational injuries and occupational disease among employees in the Leningrad Region, and to improve the production culture at enterprises in the Region.
So, on the territory of the Leningrad Region many projects are being implemented in the field of "Labour Protection", including: the Leningrad Regional Congress for Labour Protection, various training seminars, the information telegram channel "Labour Weekdays", mobile complexes, as well as the progressive projects "Association of Young Specialists" and "Territory of Safe Labour".

Mprofiko ASSOCIATION OF LABOUR MEDICINE CLINICS is the only company on the Russian market established to help multi-branch companies resolve all issues related to occupational medicine.
Mprofiko is a fully-fledged outsourcing company: from compiling lists of persons subject to medical examinations to organizing health days at enterprises.
Mprofiko, as the sole provider of medical examinations throughout Russia, has unique advantages:
- High quality work at a competitive market price.
- Transparent financial policy.
- Integrated approach to provision of medical services, including introduction of comprehensive medical programmes for the prevention and control of the health of personnel.
- Effective management of medical examinations at all your branches throughout the Russian Federation, using best practices and successful cases.
- Liaisons with regulatory authorities.
Nobilis LLC

Organization and performance of medical examinations using specialized equipment and software developed by the company itself.
Corporate health management solutions.
The company’s core business consists in software development, equipment production and provision of medical services.
Nobilis solutions for medical examinations help cut the procedure costs by up to 50%, speed it up and improve its quality several fold.
Organization of the process requires only electricity and an Internet connection, which helps resolve the problem of conducting examinations in remote areas that are difficult to reach.
In addition, the company renders health monitoring automation services.
Cardiovascular disease is a global problem. Up to 500,000 people in the Russian Federation die from cardiovascular problems each year. Up to 50% of deaths could actually be prevented by regular health monitoring. Nobilis technologies make such monitoring accessible, convenient and rapid.
The publishing group belongs to the Action holding company.
We help labour safety specialists to find the answer to any professional issue, prevent accidents, avoid fines and claims by supervisory bodies. Action Labour Safety has everything needed for working:
REFERENCE SYSTEM. Tried and tested labour safety solutions with document templates provided by experts and specialists of the Ministry of Labour, Rostrud, IGL and the Ministry for Emergencies.
JOURNALS. Monthly articles clarifying legislative amendments, questions of organizing labour safety work, accidents and occupational diseases, medical examinations, training, PPE and Special Assessment of Working Conditions.
CORPORATE UNIVERSITY. Distance training in all mandatory labour safety programmes and issue of official documents. Control over timelines and testing the knowledge of employees, with results provided on a single screen.
INFORMATION PORTAL. Verified information on labour safety with public access.
ALL-RUSSIA OLYMPIAD. Competition between labour safety specialists for the title of "Best in Russia".
PALITRA is a dynamically developing Russian company manufacturing healthy food products for children and adults. The dietary (prophylactic) nutrition products COCOA and KISSELS with PROFI vitamins provide professional protection against adverse factors when working under hazardous working conditions.
1. Instant foods instead of milk: COCOA with PROFI vitamins; KISSEL with PROFI vitamins; TEA with PROFI vitamins. One glass of these drinks can be used to replace 0.5 litres of milk per shift.
2. Instant foods instead of milk and pectin prophylaxis: PROFI kissel with vitamins and pectin. One glass can replace milk and pectin prophylaxis.
3. All PROFI products strengthen the immune system and improve the health of employees under the difficult new conditions of the pandemic.
125476, Moscow, Vasily Petushkov St., 8
tel. 8 (800) 222-01-52
e-mail: info@palitrafoods.ru
PBE (“Proizvodstvennaia bezopasnost i ekologiia” – “Production Safety and Ecology”) LLC is the official partner of 1C Company in joint development of software and consulting services relating to environment protection and process safety (occupational health and safety (OHS), fire safety, industrial safety).
The Company is acknowledged as a Development Centre for Mass Solutions Powered by 1C: Enterprise 8, 1C Real Automation Centre, 1C Consulting Centre, etc. The organization’s management system complies with ISO 9001:2015.
Software products of PBE LLC are included on the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases.
The Company has current and completed projects for leading corporate customers in various market segments. The Company’s principal advantage is in being not only a developer and vendor of 1C: Process Safety solutions, but also a system integrator. It implements own solutions for corporate clients on a turnkey basis and provides consulting services and design engineering.
Skolkovo Foundation
The Government of the Russian Federation is currently reconfiguring the development institution system, allowing them to be integrated into VEB.RF’s managerial sphere. A centralized investment block is being created at VEB.RF to implement projects that will contribute to achieving the national development goals. The priority of VEB.RF and the development institutes it coordinates is to consolidate public and private investment resources towards making a breakthrough in the country’s development and raising living standards. We participate in developing the Russian economy together with other development institutions of the VEB.RF Group: Rusnano, Industrial Development Fund, Russian Export Centre and SME Corporation.
About the Skolkovo Foundation
A non-commercial organization founded in 2010, it functions as the managing company of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre. The Foundation's goal is to support technological entrepreneurship in Russia and commercialize the results of scientific research activities.
The number of Skolkovo residents has already topped 3,000 and the Foundation provides them with an array of services needed for rolling out developments onto the Russian and international markets. Resident status gives a company tax and customs privileges. In 2020, residents’ revenues amounted to over RUB 160 bn. Since 2019, the legislation has allowed any organization conducting research in Russia to access the Skolkovo Innovation Centre’s services and benefits.
Located at Skolkovo Innovation Centre is the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), listed in the Nature Index “Top-100 Young Universities”. The Innovation Centre infrastructure consists, among other things, of research centres belonging to industrial partners and the largest Technopark in Europe. In 2019, three new partner R&D centres belonging to Sibur, TMK and Tatneft opened at the Innovation Centre. As a result, a total of 760,000 square metres of residential buildings, research and educational centres have been put into operation on Skolkovo territory, and the extrabudgetary investment in the infrastructure exceeds RUB 100 bn.
JSC Suksun Optical Mechanics Factory

Russian Federation
617560, Perm Territory, Suksun, 1 Kolkhoznaya St.
Tel.: +7 (34275) 33-777
Е-mail: sales@rosomz.ru
website: rosomz.com
JSC Suksun Optical Mechanics Factory ROSOMZ® is a leading international producer of reliable and effective PPE for the head, eyes, face, acoustic and breathing organs. The mission of ROSOMZ® – to protect human health and life at work and in everyday life. By developing the latest technologies and introducing progressive methods of production organization, the factory improves its range of PPE, manufactures products under import substitution and proactive import substitution programmes aimed at design and production of modern, comfortable and convenient items with the maximum protective features.

Technoavia was founded in 1992 and has today become a leading Russian manufacturer of workwear and safety footwear, and distributor of PPE.
Technoavia’s industrial facilities are located in Russia and they are equipped with the highest-performance machines. They include nine clothing and one footwear factory. Every year, these enterprises produce 6.1 m garments and 1.15 million pairs of footwear. The company has branches in more than 100 cities all over Russia, in Kazakhstan, in the Czech Republic and the UAE.
Technoavia offers occupational health and safety management system setup, and such in-demand business services as workwear rental and laundry, workwear, footwear and PPE outsourcing. The company has already implemented effective outsourcing systems at several big Russian enterprises.
The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS Russia) is a specialized organization that supports the functioning of the entire multilevel system of state social insurance.
The Fund is one of the state non-budgetary funds constituting part of the unified budgetary system of the Russian Federation.
The Fund's branches have been established in all Russian regions. The Fund also manages 12 rehabilitation centres.
The Fund organizes execution of the state social insurance budget, which is approved annually by a federal law, and controls use of the social insurance funds. When necessary, the Fund redistributes social insurance funds between regions and industries, maintaining the system’s financial sustainability. In addition, the Fund develops and implements state programmes for improving social insurance and healthcare for employees.
The Fund’s Board includes representatives of government agencies, trades unions, public business associations and public organizations of persons with disabilities, this ensuring the best balance of social security interests.
The Fund finances the compulsory social insurance in the event of temporary disability or maternity, the compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, and performance of the state functions assigned to the Fund. Since 2005, the Fund has been responsible for providing free vouchers for treatment at sanatoria and resorts, free transport to and from the place of treatment, financed out of the federal budget. The Fund has also been entrusted with providing disabled people and certain categories of citizens, including veterans, with technical rehabilitation tools, prosthetics (apart from dentures), prosthetic and orthopaedic devices at the expense of the federal budget.
The Energocontract Group

The Energocontract Group is a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of high-tech personal protective equipment (PPE) against extremely hazardous risks.
Energocontract includes a weaving factory, research & development department, and logistics facility, where almost full cycle creation of PPE is carried out, from production of aramid fabrics to sewing the finished products. Energocontract is the biggest European manufacturer of PPE made of Nomex® fabric.
Over the years, employees of Energocontract have developed more than 400 models and about 2500 different modifications of protective garments and shoes for different industries. Energocontract PPE provides for the safety of employees of such companies as Rosseti, Russian Railways, Rosneft, Lukoil, Transneft, RusHydro, Gazprom, Rosatom and many others. In addition, Energocontract supplies its products to more than 20 countries.
Our protective garments and shoes have saved hundreds of lives in hazardous situations.

LLC ERVOLT is a young, dynamically developing company that manufactures a wide range of tools, equipment and protective equipment for hot-line works. Our production units include workshops for working with composite materials, thermoplastics, polymeric materials, and sections for assembling structures and components.
Currently, the following are produced under the brand name ERVolt:
- 1. Hand tools for working under voltages of up to 1000 V.
- 2. Means of collective protection.
- 3. Personal protective equipment.
- 4. Equipment.
- 5. Facilities.
Our advantages:
- A broad range of insulated hand tools;
- High quality products that undergo all modern checks and are already in use for work under voltage;
- High level tools are guaranteed through use of high-quality materials;
- Double insulated hand tools;
- Availability of our own testing laboratory for 100% quality control of products;
- Possibility of adding test reports for each product batch.

3M is a leading international research and development company, specialising in development and production of high-tech products for all sectors of industry, transport and electronics, healthcare and the consumer market.
3M products are available in more than 200 countries. Annual sales amount to $32.1 billion and the company employs more than 96,000 people. 3M products are sold in more than 200 countries worldwide.
In Russia and the CIS, the company present in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, with offices in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, Almaty and Minsk.
Manufacturing of the most popular products in the regional markets is localised at two plants in Russia, situated in the Moscow Region and the Republic of Tatarstan (SEZ Alabuga). These products include personal protective equipment, products for the automotive repair and automotive industry, corrosion-resistant coatings, Novek®1230 fire extinguishing agent, and stationery products.
Learn more about 3M’s creative solutions to the world problems at www.3M.com.