Business programme

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Деловая программа

Закрытое совещание ПАО «Россети»

27.09.2023 09:30–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 7
Пленарная сессия Минтруда России
Деловая программа

Устойчивое развитие системы управления охраной труда: новые инструменты и возможности

27.09.2023 10:00–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Пленарный зал
Деловая программа

Закрытое отраслевое совещание по охране труда Госкорпорации «Росатом»

27.09.2023 10:00–18:00
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Зал «Атом»
Закрытая конференция
Деловая программа

36-е заседание Консультативного Совета по труду, занятости и социальной защите населения государств-участников Содружества Независимых Государств

27.09.2023 10:00–13:45
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 1
Деловая программа

Актуальные вопросы промышленного здравоохранения на предприятиях Госкорпорации «Росатом»

27.09.2023 10:00–13:45
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 2
I часть, Модератор
  • Olga Turenko, Deputy Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Industrial Medicine, FMBA of Russia
I часть, Спикеры
  • Igor Kalinin, Chief freelance specialist in organizing the industrial medicine service, FMBA of Russia
  • Irina Larionova, Head of Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 9, FMBA of Russia
  • Mikhail Ratmanov, Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Industrial Medicine, FMBA of Russia
  • Olga Turenko, Deputy Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Industrial Medicine, FMBA of Russia
  • Tatyana Khodeeva, Главный внештатный специалист по медицинской профилактике, ФМБА России
II Часть, Модератор
  • Maria Kalinina, Директор социально значимых проектов, Госкорпорация «Росатом»
Панельная дискуссия
Деловая программа

Экономическая эффективность охраны труда: минимизировать риски, сократить расходы, оптимизировать процессы

27.09.2023 10:00–12:00
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 3
  • Maria Popova, Deputy Head, Labour Safety Department, EcoStandard group
  • Екатерина Долгова, Директор по охране труда, Группа Эн+
  • Vera Konshina, Director, Occupational Safety Service, Yandex.Market
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Acting Director, Center for Occupational Safety Research
  • Andrey Lisitsyn, Head of the HSE Department, Russian Railways
  • Alena Lysak, Director of Complementary Vocational Education Department, SMARTA Ltd
  • Михаил Серов, Руководитель департаментов СОУТ и инженерных изысканий, EcoStandard group
  • Ivan Shevchenko, Head of the Labor Protection Department, EcoStandard group
Деловая программа

Расследование, оформление и учет несчастных случаев на производстве. Практическая реализация и особенности расследования

27.09.2023 10:00–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 4
  • Dmitry Demidenko, Head of the Department for Federal Supervision in the Sphere of Labor
  • Alexey Sannikov, Head of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Saratov Region
  • Alexander Turkov, Head of Department of Federal Labour Supervision Methodology, Federal Service for Labor and Employment
  • Олег Шестаков, Начальник отдела надзора и контроля в сфере охраны труда Управления осуществления федерального надзора в сфере труда, Федеральная служба по труду и занятости
Деловая программа

Платформенная занятость: адаптация законодательства к требованиям современной экономики

27.09.2023 10:00–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 5
  • Sergey Zverev, Head of the School of Communications, National Research University Higher School of Economics; President, CROS
  • Anton Danilov-Danilyan, Vice-Сhairman, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
  • Mikhail Kirsanov, Director of the Department of Employment and Labor Migration, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
  • Lilia Ovcharova, Vice Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Ekaterina Papchenkova, Vice President, Director of the Center for Regulatory Policy, Center for Strategic Research
  • Yan Talbatsky, Deputy Director, Department of Employment and Labor Migration, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Деловая программа

Развитие института страхования профессиональных рисков. Оптимизация финансовое обеспечение предупредительных мер по сокращению производственного травматизма и профессиональных заболеваний работников

27.09.2023 10:00–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 6
  • Natalya Sidorova, Deputy Chairman of the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Alexey Bezyukov, Chief Technical Labour Inspector, Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia
  • Ramil Davletchin, Head of the Department for Organization of Professional Risk Insurance, Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Ирина Дымич, Руководитель по работе с органами государственной власти, АО «Восток-Сервис – Спецкомплект»
  • Антон Зачиняев, Начальник отдела нормативного регулирования департамента экологии и техносферной безопасности, ОАО «РЖД»
  • Yuliya Mazanova, Deputy General Director for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications, Management Company METALLOINVEST
  • Ekaterina Mikhailova, Deputy General Director for Certification, Standardization and Interaction with Public Authorities, PV Technoavia Firm LLC
  • Alexey Okunkov, Executive Director of the Association of Industrialists of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Russia, Member of the Board of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Деловая программа

Закрытая конференция МЧС России

27.09.2023 10:00–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 9
Деловая программа

Будущее охраны труда: Задавая вектор инновационного развития

27.09.2023 10:00–11:30
Sirius Science and Arts Park, Конференц-зал № 10
  • Alexander Chulok, Director, Centre for Science and Technology Foresight, National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Светлана Горбачик, Исполнительный директор В2В АО «БТК групп»
  • Олег Кащеев, Помощник ректора, РГУ им. А.Н. Косыгина.
  • Vladimir Kotov, President of the Association of Developers, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Personal Protective Equipment
  • Евгений Шувалов, Эксперт рынка СИЗ, почетный член совета Ассоциации разработчиков, изготовителей и поставщиков средств индивидуальной защиты (АСИЗ)
Olga Turenko
Deputy Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Industrial Medicine, FMBA of Russia
Igor Kalinin
Chief freelance specialist in organizing the industrial medicine service, FMBA of Russia
Irina Larionova
Head of Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 9, FMBA of Russia
Mikhail Ratmanov
Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Industrial Medicine, FMBA of Russia
Maria Kalinina
Директор социально значимых проектов, Госкорпорация «Росатом»
Director of Socially Significant Projects, Rosatom State Corporation
Maria Popova
Deputy Head, Labour Safety Department, EcoStandard group
Vera Konshina
Director, Occupational Safety Service, Yandex.Market
Ekaterina Kuznetsova
Acting Director, Center for Occupational Safety Research
Andrey Lisitsyn
Head of the HSE Department, Russian Railways
Alena Lysak
Director of Complementary Vocational Education Department, SMARTA Ltd
Михаил Серов
Руководитель департаментов СОУТ и инженерных изысканий, EcoStandard group
Ivan Shevchenko
Head of the Labor Protection Department, EcoStandard group
Dmitry Demidenko
Head of the Department for Federal Supervision in the Sphere of Labor
Alexey Sannikov
Head of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Saratov Region
Alexander Turkov
Head of Department of Federal Labour Supervision Methodology, Federal Service for Labor and Employment
Олег Шестаков
Начальник отдела надзора и контроля в сфере охраны труда Управления осуществления федерального надзора в сфере труда, Федеральная служба по труду и занятости
Sergey Zverev
Head of the School of Communications, National Research University Higher School of Economics; President, CROS
Anton Danilov-Danilyan
Vice-Сhairman, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Cochairman, Delovaya Rossiya (non-profit organization)
Chairman, Oboronitelnye Sistemy, JSC
Born in Moscow in 1966.
Anton Danilov-Danilyan graduated from the School of Economics of Moscow State University and got a PhD on inflation processes in economy.
2004-2005 – Board Member and Senior Analyst, Oboronprom
September 2012 – Cochairman, Delovaya Rossiya
January 2016 – Chairman of Oboronitelnye Sistemy
Previously Mr. Danilov-Danilyan was part of expert group on economics for the President of the Russian Federation and the National Bank Council, as well as the Head of the Economics Department for the the President of the Russian Federation and Board Member for many large companies partially owned by the state.
Public activity:
- Chairman of the Public Council, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation.
- Member of the Expert Council, the Government of the Russian Federation.
- Chairman of the Expert Council, Russian Foundation for Technological Development.
- Chairman of the Investment Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
- Member of the Expert Council, Strategic Investment Agency.
- Medal, 2nd degree Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”.
- Medal for Merit in Population Census.
- 5 Notes of Acknowledgement from the President of the Russian Federation.
- Certificate of Merit from the Government of the Russian Federation.
- Note of Acknowledgement from the Chairman of the Russian Federation.
Mikhail Kirsanov
Director of the Department of Employment and Labor Migration, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Lilia Ovcharova
Vice Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ekaterina Papchenkova
Vice President, Director of the Center for Regulatory Policy, Center for Strategic Research
Master's degree, National Research University Higher School of Economics and Russian School of Private Law.
2013 – 2014 – The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.
2014 – 2015 – Analytical center FORUM.
2015 – 2017 – Department of the Distressed assets, Sberbank.
2017 – to date – General Director, International and Comparative Law Research Center.
Yan Talbatsky
Deputy Director, Department of Employment and Labor Migration, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Alexey Bezyukov
Chief Technical Labour Inspector, Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia
Ramil Davletchin
Head of the Department for Organization of Professional Risk Insurance, Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Ирина Дымич
Руководитель по работе с органами государственной власти, АО «Восток-Сервис – Спецкомплект»
Антон Зачиняев
Начальник отдела нормативного регулирования департамента экологии и техносферной безопасности, ОАО «РЖД»
Yuliya Mazanova
Deputy General Director for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications, Management Company METALLOINVEST
1990 — Graduated from Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering.
2006 — Obtained an MBA degree in political and business communications from Institute of Communication Management (High School of Economics).
Professional experience:
Since Sep. 2010 – Deputy CEO for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications at METALLOINVEST Management Company LLC
2005 — 2010 – Corporate Communications Director at METALLOINVEST Management Company LLC
1997 — 2005 – Head of Public Affairs Department at EASTLINE Group Management Company
1995 — 1997 – Head of Advertising and Communication Department at Electronic—Design
1993 — 1995 – Head of Advertising Department in VICO Company.
Ekaterina Mikhailova
Deputy General Director for Certification, Standardization and Interaction with Public Authorities, PV Technoavia Firm LLC
Alexey Okunkov
Executive Director of the Association of Industrialists of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Russia, Member of the Board of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Alexander Chulok
(PhD in Ecnomics, Associate Professor), Director of the Science and Technology Forecasting Centre, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Alexander oversees the forecasting of scientific and technological development of Russia (the Government approved the 2030 forecast in 2014) and specific sectors (including information technologies, the agro-industrial complex, environmental management, medicine, energy, advanced materials).
Alexander is fully engaged in the development of foresight research methodology and practice, the development of system tools and approaches to identifying global trends, analysing the future of markets, identifying key consumer characteristics of products and services, and determining the necessary technological solutions.
Author of more than 60 scientific publications on innovation, forecasting, science, technology, and innovation policy.
He annually holds more than 20 foresight sessions and strategic trainings for companies, representatives of federal and regional authorities.
Светлана Горбачик
Исполнительный директор В2В АО «БТК групп»
Олег Кащеев
Помощник ректора, РГУ им. А.Н. Косыгина.
Vladimir Kotov
President of the Association of Developers, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Personal Protective Equipment