Corporate Programmes for Disease Prevention and Treatment Discussed at RLSW

The Roscongress Foundation’s Healthy Life project organized a number of Russian Labour Safety Week business programme sessions dedicated to developing corporate programmes for disease prevention and treatment and introducing healthy lifestyle choices to the workplace.
Participants of the expert discussions included Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Oleg Salagay; Director of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat; Head of the Institute for Cognitive Studies and the Department of the Problems of Convergence in Natural Sciences and Humanities of SPBU Tatyana Chernigovskaya; Director of the Izmerov Scientific Research Institute of the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Bukhtiyarov; Director General, Managing Director of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, Johnson & Johnson Russia & CIS Ekaterina Pogodina; Chief Physician at Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 Named after N.A. Alexeev and Chief Freelance Specialist Psychiatrist at Moscow Healthcare Department Georgy Kostyuk; Chief Executive Officer of Dobroe Delo Social Care Centre ANPO Olga Postnikova; First Deputy Chairman of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation Tatyana Lototskaya; Deputy General Director for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications at METALLOINVEST Julia Mazanova; and Executive Director of the Healthy Cities, Districts and Towns Association Tatiana Shestakova among others.
“The promotion of public health is a complex challenge that must involve many stakeholders. People spend a third of their lives at work and their health and commitment to a healthy lifestyle depend largely on the working conditions they face and the values that are transmitted through corporate culture. The development of corporate programmes for health care and disease prevention is an important part of building a healthy society”, Director of the Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department Elena Aksenova said.
Sessions on ‘Corporate health culture at the heart of a healthy society strategy’, ‘Emotional safety’, ‘On-the-job: corporate cancer prevention programs’, and ‘Workplace wellness: a fashion trend or a necessity’ were included in the ‘Occupational health’ and ‘Developing safety culture’ thematic blocks of the event’s main business programme.
The information partners of the Healthy Life project information partners are the Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Medical Bulletin, Russian Healthcare, Russian Doctor Publishing House, the Remedium Group, and the Doctor TV Channel.
09 September 2021